광고 1) Appropriate Shoes: If you need your shoes to last longer, wear them just for proper occasions. If that be picking the ideal shoes to the weather – you know snow on the ground and you wear sandals err we mean Snow joggers. If your going to get a mammoth walk away with the pooch leave the high heels at home and opt for something comfy and practical. Wearing the right shoes for the ideal event will make your shoes last longer!

2) Shoe Care and Repair: We all need some TLC every now and again and your shoes are no exception to this rule. Do not delay shoe repairs, maintaining your fave footwear in tip top condition will make shoes last longer. Keep an eye out for heels wearing down, worn bottoms. In the future it’ll be cheaper to look after your footwear than to replace them since they’re too badly to wear.

3) On & Off How to de-shoe: how can you put on and take off your shoes?! Simple question but plenty of answers – we found it at work! Do you kick off them using the toe of you to prise off the other? Or take them off without undoing the laces. Putting your shoes on correctly, i.e not breaking down the backs and taking them off correctly like err undoing the laces/buckles/zips will help them last longer. Simple but true!

4) Quality: You get what you pay for. We have all fallen into the trap of disposable style at some stage but with shoes you really do tend to get what you pay for. From the way that they fit you, to the way they feel, to the way they age, purchase quality shoes – In the future it will pay off. Consider it as cost per wear… Yes the Primark pumps are super cheap but when you only get like 10 wears from them it does not work out that cost effective does it?! A really terrific pair of superior footwear will last you for many, many years!

5) Store Correctly: How do you keep your shoes? Would you like us have a heap of these from the front/back door/bottom of the staircase?! Do you kick off them and leave them on the ground, or toss them in a cabinet? Shoes, like food will last longer if they’re stored correctly. We recommend storing them on a shoe rack, in boxes or in a room that is designed only for footwear (Oh O.K we got a bit carried away there!) Storing them properly will help your shoes last longer.

6) Clean Me! : You know you can tell a lot about someone by the shoes they wear so clean, smart, shiny shoes’ve to be a fantastic thing! Remember one cleaner does not work for all your footwear! Use a suede brush to prevent suede getting dirty and faded and select a fantastic polish to keep your leather fashions looking as good as they did when you bought them! Cleaning your shoes regularly will help them last longer.

By admin